From Director Keith Josey:
Thank you for supporting this ministry with your prayers, time, talent and treasure. Because of your participation, the Mission is quickly becoming a part of a community with great needs, through the variety of services offered.
During the past few months we have seen many triumphs. Our child, teen and young adult programs are making great strides to effectively change lives through the Mission of the Holy Spirit Sunday Worship Services, Tutoring, Health and Wellness and group counseling. We have helped four of our young people achieve their dreams of starting college...and 15 years ago few of our participants had hopes of graduating from high school, much less attending college!
It is clear we are living in trying times: our young people are challenged daily with issues such as addiction, abuse, neglect, depression, hunger and teenage pregnancy. Without intervention, the hopelessness and hurt that plague this segment of society will grow. We need volunteer tutors, mentors, monitors, bus drivers and help with meals.
We also need donations of non-perishable food and personal hygiene items for our participants and their families. If you or your group would like to make a real difference, please contact us at 858-0010.
Again, thank you to everyone who shares our vision and provides support to help us in this rewarding journey.